Entomologist at AGRICON Pesticide Experiment and Consultancy Ltd. Co. - Izmir, İzmir, Turkey
Established in 2009 in İzmir, Turkey, field of activities of AGRICON are planning, performing and reporting of biological efficacy and residue trials of plant protection products and giving consultancy. Excluding official registration trials, performance and demo trials are also performed. Business basis of AGRICON is to submit true and reliable information on the registration step to the Plant Protection Products Sector working in Turkey. AGRICON provides solutions with its experienced team that are officially authorized by Ministry of Food Agriculture and Animal Husbandry on biological efficacy and residue trials.AGRICON offers official and specific trials of plant protection products:• Acaricides• Biopesticides• Fungicides• Herbicides• Insecticides• Molluscicides• PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators)• Selectivity / Crop safety• Storage pests & diseases• Soil disinfectants / sterilantsOfficial trials for registration purpose are performed according to Standard Trial Protocols published by Ministry of Food Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. If requested, specific trials are also set following protocols provided by sponsor companies. Turkey has seven different geographical regions and AGRICON can provide service at all regions.Trials are reported as the format described in directive on Registration and Placing on the Market of Plant Protection Products published in 9.11.2017. On demand, AGRICON provides ARM (Agricultural Research Management) based trial plan and reports.