Hbh Shaghassi

employee at industry - , California, United States

Hbh Shaghassi's Contact Details
Hbh Shaghassi's Company Details
industry logo, industry contact details


, California, United States • 4 Employees

INDUSTRY is a workshop series and creative consultancy founded by photographer's agent Leigh Andersen. We offer curated workshops, one-on-one consultations and professional development to photographers and creatives of all levels. We design learning experiences that challenge artists to grow and stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry. Because we believe that the best workshops are about doing and not thinking, all of our creative photographer-taught courses are portfolio building, offering participants the space, time and creative support to shoot something beautiful.

Details about industry
Frequently Asked Questions about Hbh Shaghassi
Hbh Shaghassi currently works for industry.
Hbh Shaghassi's role at industry is employee.
Hbh Shaghassi's email address is ***@weareindustry.com. To view Hbh Shaghassi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hbh Shaghassi works in the Photography industry.
Hbh Shaghassi's colleagues at industry are Shani Bhai, Avinor Haim, Govind Jahagirdar, Veena Jagtap, Dwight Hensley, Vol Balan, Paula Deanda and others.
Hbh Shaghassi's phone number is 9417614400
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