Domestic Violence Restorative Circles Volunteer & Circles Coordinator
Founded in 1996, Men As Peacemakers (MAP) is a 501c3 non-profit based in Duluth, MN. Today, MAP is acknowledged as a key resource for communities in Minnesota for developing and implementing innovative, educational, service-driven and supportive strategies that prevent violence against women and children. Each year, MAP serves approximately 1,050 youth, engages 250 volunteers, and provides presentations, workshops and trainings to at least 10,000 people.MISSION:To engage individuals and communities in innovative strategies that promote equality, repair harm, and prevent violence against women and children.WHAT WE STAND FOR: Men As Peacemakers is an organization that aims to end violence against women and children. Specifically, MAP focuses on preventing sexual assault, dating violence, and domestic violence perpetrated against women, girls, and boys. MAP engages men, with women, in preventing and repairing the harm predominantly caused by males. Nationally, men perpetrate 92 % of physical assaults against women. Internalizing this fact, Men As Peacemakers engages men in their opportunity, responsibility, and unique potential to prevent violence. Our education, awareness raising, and training strategies unveil the reality that sexism, violence, and male dominance is embedded in mainstream culture. We are committed to building a new normal in our communities, one where everyday sexism becomes abnormal, leadership is truly diverse, and all people can achieve their full potential. We envision a community, free from violence against women and children, where everyone, especially men, take responsibility for preventing violence as well as restoring the community after harm. We aspire to create communities free from violence in which all people -- regardless of age, race, gender or sexual preference feel safe, equal, and respected. CORE VALUES:-Ending violence against women and children is possible and requires addressing and undermining its root causes.-Men have the ability and responsibility to make peace.-All people have equal human value, dignity, and potential. -Given a platform, the community can generate solutions to its own problems. -Partnering with supporting the leadership of women, girls, people of color, and persons identifying as LGBTQ is critical to MAP's programming. -Equity in all its forms amongst people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds is essential in preventing violence.-Accountability to those facing oppression is integral to creating equity and social justice.-Collaboration with community partners is critical to our success.GUIDING PRINCIPLES:-We model accountability for white men by prioritizing the voices of and generating leadership opportunities for women, people of color, and persons identifying as LGBTQ.-Programming and strategies are developed based on the needs and input of those our programs serve and benefit. -The Spectrum of Prevention is central to everything we do -- stopping the harm before it starts.-Restorative practices is approached with empathy focusing on individual accountability, resiliency, and restoration, while being responsive to clients needs.