Realty Point advances the idea of the Ontario Personal Real Estate Corporation through our innovative franchise brokerage platform that allows successful real estate sales professionals to open their own real estate brokerage at a significant savings over the traditional brokerage franchise model.Incorporating your real estate business through your Realty Point franchise allows you, the real estate professional, to become the Broker of Record of your own brokerage and utilize the Realty Point administration staff as your back-office support staff, allowing you to continue what you do best, sell homes, while we take care of the compliance and administrative work your brokerage requires to operate daily.Realty Point Brokerage becomes the foundation that allows you to utilize the tax savings that other self-employed professionals in Ontario enjoy while at the same time operate at a substantial lower office and staff cost and still be RECO and REBBA 2002 compliant.Realty Point provides the administrative and office staff (answering phones, completing sales agreements) as well as the office space for yourself and your sales staff.With over 10 years successfully running a real estate brokerage, our management team guides you every step of the way, starting with incorporation and continuing through your daily operations, to help you achieve the success you desire.