Headquartered in Westbury, NY, Game Builders Academy (GBA) is a STEM-based educational services and products provider of innovative, technology-based, classroom instruction - for students in grades K through 12 - that helps students learn, grow, have fun and succeed! GBA's instructional programs include video game design & development, robotics, 3D computer modeling & animation, and fashion design. A GBA Starburst™ offering in video game development was specifically designed for early childhood students in grades K through 4. GBA's clients include public and private schools, museums, college-based youth programs, as well as summer academic camps. Its programs have been integrated within regular daytime school curricula, after-school, school break and weekend enrichment activities, and summer academic programs. Students who participate in GBA programs, including those in Gifted or Special Education, use and strengthen their basic academic skills – math, science, literacy, technology, problem solving and creative thinking – all while doing something they love and enjoy. These students receive a truly unique and powerful learning experience.