If you've been in business for a while, there is a good chance you have knowledge others desperately need right now. The team at Nachat Consulting will help you package your expertise so others can benefit from your wisdom and you can enjoy the benefits of diversifying your income streams.Creating an online course may seem like an overwhelming task. You may have even started a course and set it aside before finishing it because there were so many aspects to think about. Everything from structuring the course content to what camera to use and the best learning platform to house your course must be considered.We'll help you decide what to teach, how to teach it, whom to teach it to, and where to house it online. And we'll be there to help you finish your course so you can get paying students through the door.Online learning was projected to grow to a $319 billion+ industry by 2025. The pandemic has only accelerated the number of people rushing to learn online. Don't miss out on getting your knowledge into the world for others to use.