Solving the issue of privacy using a protocol 30+ years in development called zk-Snarks, or Zero-Knowledge proofs. Pirate ensures that all transactions on the network are forced shielded. That is to say, transfers are 100% anonymous. There simply is no activity to be viewed on a public ledger, anywhere … nothing … nada … no footprint whatsoever.Most privacy coins leave some meta-data residue. To be fair, some use very strong anonymity enforcing protocols. To differentiate in your mind's eye, you could think about it like a locked door being very secure, but perhaps less secure than having no door at all. Pirate is not the only project to use the zk-Snarks protocol, but their users can choose to be anonymous. Leaving traceable elements on the network compromises anonymity, so Pirate forces the anonymity parameter.Pirate accepts that improvements in the space are occurring all the time.Pirate came from a team of veteran crypto developers who were testing zk-SNARKs. No one owns Pirate, just like bitcoin it is opensource and free to use. The Pirate trading ticker is aptly named ARRR … after all, how else would a Pirate express his feelings "Arrrgh!"Because these battle-hardened technical wizards applied their collective knowledge, we have the most private cryptocurrency in existence today. In fact, if you consider that cash does contain trace elements of DNA, even fingerprints, Pirate is actually the most private of all currencies. It is also toughened by a security mechanism second to none. Pirate is notarized to the strongest, most resilient blockchain we have … Bitcoin.If you want to attack Pirate, you have to attack bitcoin first. Good luck with that!