Research Coordinator at The Circle on Philanthropy of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada - Ottawa, Ontario, CA
The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada is an open network promote giving, sharing, and philanthropy in Aboriginal communities across the country. A PRINCIPLE GOAL OF THE CIRCLE IS TO BUILD CONNECTIONS AND FOSTER COLLABORTIONTo this end, the Circle develops programs that foster more and better conversations, connections, and relationships among Aboriginal Peoples and philanthropic organizations; deepen our understanding of key issues in Aboriginal communities such as Aboriginal education, land and people, Aboriginal health; and secure key partnerships and memberships that leverage the Circle's capacity and reach.Most of our work happens within our Collaborative Circles which bring together members of The Circle and others, government representatives, and for-profit businesses and organizations also working actively to connect with and support the empowerment of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.OUR VISIONTo build a stronger and healthier future for First Nations, Inut and Métis nations, communities and individuals.The goal of The Circle is to connect with and support the empowerment of First Nations, Inuit and Métis nations, communities, and individuals in building a stronger, healthier future.WHYThe Circle works to create awareness through educating and engaging communities and organizations to create Alliances in reciprocity on the path to true reconciliation.