In the summer of 1993, Betsy Swan, Jon Kimmel and Lisa Cromley, three teachers from the Westtown School, were looking for a place for their children to spend their day while they were at work. Inspiration struck and on August 23, 1993, they started Oak Lane Day Care in the ca. 1928 Quaker Meeting House on the Westtown School campus. Within the first year the daycare had seven children enrolled. Today, celebrating our 20th anniversary, Oak Lane Day Care serves approximately 35 children each year and the staff has expanded to include 7 teachers. We are proud to say that two of the first teachers at Oak Lane are still with us today. In addition, Oak Lane Day Care is a member of the Friends Council on Education.Oak Lane Day Care is a cooperative program. Parents who enroll their children in Oak Lane Day Care are expected to participate for at least six hours per family each contract year in activities which maintain the facilities and program. Parent participation is essential for fostering group responsibility for the program as well as controlling our costs.Oak Lane Day Care is located in the Westtown Monthly Meeting House on the campus of Westtown School. Though located on its campus, Oak Lane Day Care and Westtown School are independent organizations. Admission to the day care is not associated with admission to the school.