The New Haven Chamber Orchestra was founded in 2004 by Gordon Emerson as a group of community musicians that aspired to play the masterworks in orchestral music. Since its inception, the NHCO has delighted audiences with the great works from Mozart Sonatas, the famous Beethoven Symphonies, and everything in-between. We aspire to be true to our name and focus on bringing the wonderful genre of chamber music to the New Haven community. Our community is rich in symphonic orchestra music with such groups as the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, the Civic Orchestra, and the various Yale University groups. Adding to this wonderful diversity, the NHCO is a group dedicated to the unique pieces of music collectively known as chamber music. The orchestra is made up of 33 members including 20 strings, 8 winds and 4 brass and 1 percussionist. The members of the orchestra are all members of the community. In fact, our diverse collection of players ranges from school teachers to scientists, doctors to business people. However diverse the orchestra members are in profession, they all share a passion for music which we encourage you to witness at our free concerts.