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Civic & Social Organization
재단법인 일생활균형재단은 대한민국 최초로 일과 생활의 균형을 지원하는 비영리 민간재단으로, 2010년 설립된 현장전문 NPO(Non Profit Organization)입니다. \일생활균형재단에서는 일생활균형이 가능한 사회환경과 기업환경 조성을 지원하는 사업들을 진행하고 있습니다. 그와 관련하여 기관 및 기업별 맞춤형 컨설팅을 제공하고, 기업 및 근로자 대상 교육지원사업 역시 수행중입니다. 일생활균형재단의 부설연구소에서는 1. 워킹맘 워킹대디의 일생활균형 2. 한국형 Fathering 3. 일생활균형 이슈 발굴 및 새로운 모델 개발 4. 일생활균형 정책 발굴 등을 주요 사업을 운영되고 있습니다. \재단의 주요 사업은 일생활균형을 위한 실천을 촉구하는 '레스모아 캠페인'과 남성육아에 대한 인식개선과 참여를 독려하는 '웃는아빠캠프'를 지속적으로 진행해 오고 있습니다.\\Korea Work Life Balance Foundation(KWLBF) is Non profit organization who supports work-life balance in social and business environment, which was established in 2010.\\\To create social and cultural environment which enables balance between work and life of 'individual', 'Family', and 'Members of Society', Korea Work Life Balance Foundation contributes to improve quality of life in Korea.\\Korea Work Life Balance Foundation provides new paradigm or how we work and how we manage our lives in balanced and harmonious way. \\\1. Board of directors\ : where every managerial decisions of organization is determined \2. Head quarter\ : where activities to acheive prime goals of organization are designed and carried out.\3. WLB(work life balance) Research Institute\ : where issues around work-life balance are discovered and developed into modules, action plans or policies.\\\1. Activists(24)\ : who actually act with expertise to acheive primary goals of organization.\2. Researchers(15)\ : who research the social issues regarding work-life balance and develop those issues into modules, action plans, or policies.\3. Youth Suppoters(100+)\ : who agrees with organization's mission and support the organization by promoting activities in their areas.\4. General members(120+)\ : who agrees with organization's mission and support the organization by participating the project or donating some funds.