Sustainability Impact Consultant at Extra Brain Ltd - London, England, United Kingdom
At Extra Brain we apply our years of leadership experience across agencies, service and product businesses to help leaders progress their growth, operational and change projects. The includes long term Non-Exec and advisory roles as well as projects with a specific focus and timeframe.Working with Extra Brain has been described by clients as: "a way to keep my sanity", "a person I trust who will challenge my thinking", "a way of sense-checking and improving plans", "an advocate with the board", "smart people I can point at our problems" and "an extra brain when mine is full of other stuff".We find leaders and their teams are more than capable of working things out themselves, but often struggle to find the time, headspace and focus to make clear plans and oversee the implementation of critical business projects. Sometimes, they need a framework to make a fresh plan or work out where growth opportunities lie in the first place; which might be solved by facilitated workshops or working sessions. Sometimes, they need to be held account throughout the execution of the plan, with regular progress reviews and the clear delegation of actions, stopping business projects going to the bottom of the pile.Sometimes, they need help identifying and digging into structural blocks which are slowing them down. Sometimes they are just stuck, and they need help getting unstuck. These are some of the reasons that our clients work with us. Because they just need an Extra Brain they can trust to support, challenge and encourage them to make some vital progress.