Hospital Pharmacist at medical supplies department at Alexandria Police Hospital - 4C - , ,
on behalf of the Alexandria Police Hospital, We are honored and delighted to welcome you to The 4th Annual Cardiology and Critical Care Congress (4C's)Which will be held April 4-6 ,2018 in Tolip hotel, Alexandria, Egypt .We believe that we choose a place that ensure a conference, successfully, among the culture and center of Alexandria.4C aimed to provide a platform that brings together the Recent Advances in Cardiology and Critical Care science and techniques.The Cardiology and Critical Care Department – Alexandria Police hospital has the honor to organize this conference with the presence of many distinguished speakers who participate in this event aiming to provide an outstanding program in which novel findings, along with training courses, workshops and basic and clinical research will be discussed.We hope that you have all the opportunities to explore the cultural and weather of the Mediterranean Sea capitalWe cordially invite you to this honorable eventSee you in Alexandria next April