Ossel, a history of success...Born in 1987, at Sorocaba city – São Paulo, OSSEL Company (Organização Andreense Empreendimento Luto Ltda), traces a histoy of success. Creating a different concept in funeral segments, Arany Marchetti, president of the group in Sorocaba, guided his ideas with a single and unique focus: to provide a differentiated service in Funeral Assistence services.The plan's idea was to offer a quality sservice at a low cost to the entire municipality population, as well as to take care of all the bureaucratic questions, that at this moment are of extreme difficult importance and hard for family and friends.The company reached everyone's affection, since Ossel's plan offers all the assistance in funeral area 24 hours a day, one of many benefits that makes difference.In mid – 1998, presided-over young Cesar André Marchetti, the company has began a new challenge, the group's expansion in the city of Santo André – SP, paying attention to the whole region and ABCDMR a different business proposal. One of the facts that pushed the companie's large ABCDMR was the acceptance and purchase of our plan funeral. With a different point of view and principles that guide the group, Ossel became a unique company in that segment. In this direction some concepts consolidate the mark.