Effortless online invoicing, for everyone.Servicejoy is a simple and effective online software for managing client invoices, estimates, businesses expenses, and tasks created specifically for small business owners. It's the kind of invoicing software that slips into businesses through the backdoor, just because individual employees like how it works. We've launched in 2012 to give small business owners and freelancers a better way to securely manage accounting and projects online. We're focused on serving small businesses who service their clients both onsite and offsite. It's hard to build things that help business owners and freelancers unless you understand their pain, and it's hard to understand their pain unless you respect them. We strive to empathize with our customers, fellow team members, and any others we interact with. We take every opportunity we have to understand our customers. We're focused on solving real problems, and solving them well. This means understanding these issues, making sure our solutions actually help, and not letting our grand visions get in the way of actually launching things. We don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Using our own product (and competitors' products) better informs our decisions on all levels. We always want to improve and grow. We don't want to hire anyone who isn't going to get something out of the experience, and we'll help employees find a new job if they're not. We don't want to sell clients software unless it benefits them, and we'll help them find a better tool if that's what they need. Anyone who comes into contact with us should be better for it. Employees leave smarter. Customers leave savvier.