President at Federation of Portuguese-Canadian Business & Professionals - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The FPCBP is governed by a board of 12 directors and 3 trustees. Directors and Trustees are accountable to all members in maintaining and promoting, through various subcommittees FPCBP's image and to provide organized events throughout the year, including, among other things, monthly business forums, an Annual Golf Tournament and the Annual Awards Gala, where recognition is given to outstanding business and academic achievement.The FPCBP is proud to foster the oldest and largest scholarship program in the Portuguese community. With the tremendous support of our sponsors and community, the FPCBP Scholarship program has expanded and increased the number of monetary awards in order to meet the ever-increasing number of qualified applicants of Portuguese descent. The FPCBP has a history of partnering with other community groups toward the successful achievement of our objectives. By virtue of these business and professional networks, our organization is very well integrated into the fabric of our Portuguese community and indeed the broader Canadian community. Many of our members are active volunteers within other external organizations.gtba & eucocitThe FPCBP is proud of its accomplishments and is fortunate to have dedicated members and directors who donate their time and energy to the betterment of our community. The Federation has been appointed by the Ministry of Citizenship and the Ontario Trillium Foundation, to lead the Portuguese Community and work with other organizations in the promotion of Portuguese Culture and Heritage.Contact us at: or 416-537-8874.Honour the Past - Inspire the Future.