CALM Training delivers a range of training programmes and services designed to support agencies in the management of aggressive and challenging behaviour.We deliver training programmes across the UK and increasingly, Europe and the USA. CALM training programmes are now used extensively across the UK human services.We have received widespread acknowledgment of the quality of our programmes and we continue to be directly involved in national and international research and policy development initiatives. We pride ourselves on our continuing record of positive outcomes and a continuing absence of significant injuries, fatalities or litigation. It remains our belief that the CALM Training model is supported by a greater volume of valid independent research than any other approach. A factor of huge significance in our ability to support and reduce the liability of user agenciesCALM programmes are accredited under The British Institute of Learning Disability (BILD) Physical Intervention accreditation scheme, developed on behalf of the UK Departments of Health, Education and Skills.Our training staff come from a variety of human services backgrounds. They are directly employed, rather than retained on a franchise basis, and therefore directly accountable for the quality of training. All have professional qualifications and considerable direct experience of dealing with difficult behaviour, as well as extensive knowledge of the available research and guidance (see CALM Staff). We share a strong a commitment to effective, ethical approaches to the problem of aggression and challenging behaviour in the human services.We seek long term collaboration with user agencies. Contrary to popular belief and hopes, many aggression management programmes have produced negative outcomes.