Headologist and transformation expert at Infinity Wellbeing - Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Infinity Wellbeing works with companies who believe that treating staff as humans and helping them with wellbeing issues makes a company stronger. Ethically run to ensure our principles of honesty, straightforwardness and compassion run through the core of what we do and how we do it. We expect our client to be the same or working toward it.Maintaining and improving wellbeing in the workplace is done via measuring employee experience, company expectations and bridging the gap with quality effective wellbeing sessions.We know that change is stressful so focus our efforts on these moments. As you often don't know when change occurs our way of working is flexible in terms of delivery and cost. You pay only for what you need. It's a bit like mobile phone data, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time and any unused sessions roll over to the following month.Designed for workplaces with multiple teams and locations in mind we have a pool of over 200 wellbeing consultants around the world to draw on so can be with you whenever you need us and for however long you need us.Certainty of pricing, certainty of support with no wastage.