Boutique consultancy Planet Egan Ltd Passion for sustainable and responsible growth in travel, tourism and hospitalityWhat we offer Over 30 years of experience in travel and tourismOn the pulse of the industry through a wide network of key travel industry leadersDiplomatic, personal, innovative and consultative approachCommitment to building bridges, creating new partnerships and synergiesGlobal insight with local understanding We listen, absorb, search, share and inspire 360 vision through global directorship of TripAdvisor to managing a small resort hotel and still traveling extensivelyOur specialities:Public speaking; keynote, panellist, moderator Facilitating public private discussions and partnerships Destination assessment Forming councils and coalitions Thought leadership Research, data collection, analysis and reportsAdvisory for business expansion Industry educationBuilding long term partnerships Proud members of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)Planet Egan Ltd is a UK registered Limited companyFounded in July 2017Email: