Directora de asuntos estudiantiles at Pluralistic Networks Inc - Berkeley, California, United States
At work, at play, and at home, we are unavoidably connected to people from all over the world. In organizations large and small, project teams are becoming increasingly virtual, made up of people in different places, from different cultural and professional backgrounds, and with different value systems. To flourish in our world today requires the cultivation of a new kind of pluralism. This pluralism is much more than simply tolerating diversity––it's actively engaging with others to articulate our goals and working together to achieve them. To do this requires a certain skill set. Our mission is to help people and teams learn these new skills.Combining the disciplines of philosophy, linguistics, computer science, and management, and grounded in the pioneering work of our co-founder, Dr. Fernando Flores, Pluralistic Networks offers training programs and software solutions that have been proven to transform the way people approach their work for the better.