Mange kunder mener, at vi er lidt nørdede. Det er nok fordi, at vi bekymrer os om de detaljer, andre finder ubetydelige.Hos Kubik Indretning er vores passion indretning med godt design. Vi stræber efter det unikke og individuelle frem for det ordinære. Vores kunder skal dagligt glædes over funktioner og detaljer, der retfærdiggør investeringen.Gennem sammensætning af robuste materialer og håndværksmæssig forarbejdning skabes en overlegen finish og udtryk.I vores indretningshus tilbyder vi bl.a. Multiform, Boform, CustomMade og Poliform.Siden 1995 har vi arbejdet specielt med køkken og bad, men hjælper gerne med en totalindretning af dit hus eller dit kontor.Many customers think that we are a "little nerdy". It is probably because we care about details others find insignificant.At KUBIK Indretning our passion is interior design with long-lasting effect. Our search is for the unique and individual rather than the ordinary. Our aim is to give our customers the everyday pleasure of the function and details, which justify the investment. Through the combination of robust materials and craftsmanship, processing creates a superior finish and expression.In our showroom, we offer Multiform kitchen, Boform kitchen, custom made designs and Poliform/Varenna.Since 1995, we have worked specifically with the kitchen and bathroom, but are happy to help with a complete layout of your house or office. with kitchen and bath, but is happy to provide a complete interior design of your house or your office.