Hemang Vyas

Assistant Manager Administration at Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited - Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN

Hemang Vyas's Contact Details
["886-2-2219-7878","+91 22 49666000"]
Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited
Hemang Vyas's Company Details
Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited logo, Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited contact details

Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN • 139 Employees

Zapak Digital Entertainment Ltd. is India’s largest gaming company that addresses the complete value chain of Digital Gaming. With currently 10 million registered gamers, Zapak.com is not only the largest casual gaming sites in the country but amongst the top gaming sites in the world. Over 6 million visitors come to Zapak network every month across PC & Mobile. Zapak.com has world's largest collection of online games in Single Player, Multiplayer & Download categories. It offers unique blend of games & social networking among gamers. Zapak also offers 1000 of free mobile games from its mobile store at m.zapak.com. Zapak also offers subscription based PC gaming service called Zapakplus.com - it offers world class 150 PC games for just Rs.99 per month.Download and play as many games as you can. Zapak is world's largest Advergames platform hosting over 500 Advergames for all leading brands in India. We have developed some of the best Advergames which has won several awards in India and abroad. Check out http://www.zapak.com for more... Zapak works closely with most of the leading global gaming and entertainment players such as EA, Microsoft, Valve, Popcap, Boonty, Payfirst, Disney, Universal Studios, Shanda, Jagex, Cartoon Network, THQ, iPlay, Hands-On etc.

Casual Game Online Game Social Games Multiplayer Game Pc Gaming Free Games Mobile Games
Details about Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited
Frequently Asked Questions about Hemang Vyas
Hemang Vyas currently works for Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited.
Hemang Vyas's role at Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited is Assistant Manager Administration.
Hemang Vyas's email address is ***@zapak.com. To view Hemang Vyas's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hemang Vyas works in the Internet industry.
Hemang Vyas's colleagues at Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited are Ramakant Govale, Asmitha Joseph, Mehboob Pasha, Neeraj Kumar, Samir Panchal, Ananya Mayekar, Keyur Kapasi and others.
Hemang Vyas's phone number is ["886-2-2219-7878","+91 22 49666000"]
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