EXPORT IMPORTPLASTENCE EXIM Global Export & Import division involves in manufacturing and sourcing wide range of technical plastics products at most competitive value for money price for our valued customers. Our global network helps us in procuring right thing from right place at right price.Our range of products includes:- ENGINEERING PLASTICS SHEETS & RODS- SPECIALITY COMPONENTS- PLASTIC PIPING SYSTEM- INDUSTRIAL VALVE- INDUSTRIAL STRAINER- INDUSTRIAL FILTER- FIBERGLASS (FRP) PRODUCT- STORAGE EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL- PROCESSING EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL- RUBBER PRODUCT- ENGINEERING PRODUCT- HOSE PIPE PLASTENCE EXIM provide all of product to all countries at all over world like as well as countries…Switzerland, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Sweden, United States, Australia, France, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, Italy, Austria, Spain, China, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Thailand, Russia , Brazil, Qatar, Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia , Egypt, Sri Lanka .