Wall-it manufacture and design innovative wall holders for sport equipment. The first product is a wall holder for skis, Wall-it Ski. The idea behind Wall-it was born in 2008, from two Swedish boys with a passion for product design and new innovations. Newly graduated, the passion and enthusiasm for creating new things started to grow and they started to develop a wall holder for skis. Their journey from 2008 until now have been long and with a lot of ups and downs, but they never gave up their passion. Through surveys in Åre, cardboard mockups, design sketches, discussions with prototype makers and long working weekends they ended up with this. A brand called Wall-it that enables you to display your sport equipment on a wall where you are given the possibility to enjoy their design and shape even when they are not used. Innovative, quality and unexpected are three of Wall-its core values that they want their products to reflect throughout. The first product to do this is Wall-it Ski which is developed to display alpine skis. Just because the first product from Wall-it has been released the passion from the founders does not stop there. Three more ideas are on the way from the sketch paper, through the computer, to the world. We hope you enjoy the products from Wall-it and hopefully we can enlarge your passion for sports. Sincerely yours Kristoffer Larsson and Kristoffer Apelstedt