Managing Trustee at INSTITUTE OF INVENTORS AND INNOVATORS - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
The Institute of Inventors and Innovators™ offers services to help you succeed as an Inventor or Innovator. LIFETIME members can pitch invention ideas to our Pitch-it to the Panel™, join The Inventors Club (via MeetUp - Free), learn about Licensing products, connect with like-minded inventors, have access to newsletters, articles and inventor resources and so much more! Learn related skills or grow your knowledge, it makes sense and it's all right here ...Since 1974 the Institute, a non-profit organisation, has served South Africa well and, in the spirit of invention and innovation, continues to promote and support any form of creative thinking. We are recognised leaders in our role, guiding and assisting Inventors, Innovators, licensors and entrepreneurs on their challenging journey from idea to product commercialisation.Our focus is on membership services, and as we have said above, these include our virtual monthly Wednesday meetings using Zoom for The Inventors Club, the Kids Club, Club Night and Eureka!MEET. These all offer information, relevant speakers and networking opportunities; our newsletter Eureka!NEWS! which keeps members up-to-date and offers current links of interesting new. The confidential PITTP - ‘Pitch-it to the Panel' – the meeting with professionals and subject specialists informs and offers expert invention advice to independent inventors. NDAs are signed.We are proud members of IFIA – The International Federation of InventorsAssociations and we were delighted when MEA Marketsrecognised The Institute of Inventors and Innovators in the 2019 African Excellence Awards .