Program Director at American Academy of Home Care Medicine - , MD, United States
Our mission is to promote the art, science and practice of medicine in the home. We envision a health care system in which any patient who needs it can receive comprehensive primary medical care in their own home. Since 1988, the American Academy of Home Care Medicine has served the needs of thousands of physicians and related professionals and agencies interested in improving care of patients in the home.Academy Board member volunteers and members work to reduce barriers and enhance practice education. Notable successes include: fostering increased reimbursement, sponsoring multiple educational and scientific seminars, and providing the practice community with a variety of helpful publications.Academy members include home care physicians – physicians who make house calls, care for homebound patients, act as home health agency medical directors, or who refer patients to home care agencies. Specialties include internal medicine, family practice, pediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatry, emergency medicine, and more.Other members are agency directors of forward-looking large and small home care organizations, medical directors of managed care plans, nurse-practitioners who make house calls, physician assistants, and administrators of medical groups interested in home care.Members come from all across the United States. We also have some international members. The Academy welcomes student affiliates and corporate sponsor-members from a variety of fields of interest.