Pohjola-Norden is the Norden Association in Finland. The Norden Associations are the oldest organizations for promoting Nordic co-operation in all fields, officially as well as unofficially. The Norden Association is a politically independent organization (NGO) with approximately 70 000 members throughout the Nordic countries. The aim of the Norden Association is to stimulate and improve Nordic co-operation at all levels, especially in the fields of education, culture, labor market, industry, mass media, international aid and environmental care.The Norden Association in Finland, Pohjola-Norden, has about 7 000 members. Private persons, organizations, companies, schools and libraries are members of the association. Members are offered different kind of packages, seminars and offers, magazines and other material of special Nordic interest or concerning Nordic issues. The association has its own magazine. The local branches of the association arrange study circles, seminars, trips, study tours etc, all with Nordic issues and questions in focus. The Norden Association works with a broad variety of issues. Policy-making, information, friendship-towns systems, publications, seminars and courses for business people and mobility projects are important issues to the association. Target groups of the mobility projects administrated by the association are schools, both teachers and pupils; young people wanting to work in another Nordic country.