Data specialist at IPMA Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera - Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal
PhD Student of the BioMedAqu project, Marie SkÅodowska- Curie Actions (MSCA-ITN)
The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I. P. (IPMA, IP), is a public institution, part of the indirect administration of State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets.IPMA I. P. follows the responsibility of the Ministry of Sea, under supervision and guardianship of the respective minister.The strategic guidelines and goals for IPMA, I. P., as well as the monitoring of their implementation, are articulated between members of the Government responsible for the sea and science.IPMA has responsibilities at national territory level in the areas of the sea and atmosphere. Focusing its research efforts on projects that accrue to direct applications for use in operating activities, pursuing continuous improvement in the information made available to its users whether for commercial use or public service and in particular directed to the safeguard of people and property.