Our mission is to provide social, spiritual and scholastic supports to children and family mired in generational poverty. We are seeking partnerships with local corporations and other non-profits seeking to give back to the local community through service projects and/or financial contributions to offset our program expenses.LHCC was established to break generational poverty among at-risk children/families, by empowering the next generation to stay in school and become successful for life. Our value proposition is to live among the people we serve. Our team comprises the ‘boots on the ground' incarnational representation of resources who operate as neighbors as well as program service representatives.We are a Charlotte, North Carolina-based 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, managed under the leadership of our Board of Directors and Executive Director, Brent Morris. We were established in 2012 and are now in our third year of successful operation. We are primarily supportive of marginalized children and their parents who reside in low-income apartment communities in Charlotte. We currently operate a Learning Help Center off of South Blvd. We serve anyone, without bias or discrimination and our services are offered at no cost to the marginalized children and the families we serve.