1209 Enterprise is a consortium of two successful businesses brought together with the intention of providing high quality professional business services to newly started and small businesses. These services, which are offered only to its members, range from the most basic business needs such as printing and design to financial services. The company is able to offer these services at significantly reduced prices because it relies heavily on its network of hundreds of businesses, whom already serve as members of 1209 Enterprise.Once a company is a member of 1209 Enterprise, 1209 then acts as a broker, marketing your company throughout its vast members network, thus allowing all members to utilize the services of each other, instead of going outside of the 1209 network. This in turn brings a steady steam of business to your company.Members also receive great discounts on 1209 Enterprise's hugely successful corporate networking event, The 1209 Affair. The 1209 Affair event allows new members and old members to interact and network with each other as well as with potential members. This networking event was designed to allow all of 1209 Enterprises members to create long lasting and successful business relationships.