Zeninah Ltd is an agricultural company duly registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with Reg. No. 1584472 The company is run by seasoned experts in various fields, brought together to professionally handle the services undertaken by the company. Zeninah Ltd major in business operations in the areas of Agricultural services such as; Farm development, management, and consultancy. Operations in Zeninah Ltd include poultry production, snail farming, catfish and tilapia farming, goat farming, mushroom farming, and crop production. We offer fair and competitive prices and also approach all our jobs with the utmost professionalism and dynamism to deliver sound and enviable results.At Zeninah Ltd, we believe in combining all sound agricultural business ethics in a manner that will serve the interest of the clients to maximum satisfaction. Zeninah Ltd has formed a strong partnership with a number of specialist Agricultural companies and agencies operating in various fields and regions both within Nigeria and outside Nigeria with a view to continually improve its quality of products and services. We are dedicated to serving the specific needs of our customers in the Agricultural sectors of the economy.At Zeninah Ltd, our goal is to provide fresh, healthy and nutritious farm produce one person at a time.