HERBAL CURE CLINIC is a healing system brought into light by a therapist ( Dr. Kalpa) passionate for providing holistic therapy. Our motto is to Heal with Natural ways. We empower healing of mind, body and soul. Our services integrate a healthy approach towards mind, body and soul through Acupuncture, Skin Treatment, Gynocare, Lungcare, Orthocare. Aim / Vision / Mission Our Aim is to create awareness about use of new technology in restoring health and wellness providing divine environment for Indians as an incentive to give their health a high priority. To spread the awareness that human body is designed to 'heal' itself through improved blood circulation and make them realize that the modern medical industry has unimaginable side-effects. Our Vision is to see ourselves as the pioneers in promoting naturally good health at an unbelievable low cost through having more than 1000 centers across the county in the next 10 years. Our Mission is to create self managed sustainable centers for health care and wellness to provide rehabilitation and relief at an affordable manner to the physically ailing society in the interiors. To spread, promote and educate Indians about the natural and ancient science of acupressure massage and magical far-infra red rays.