Chief Executive Officer at RDM CONSTRUCTION - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia
RDM Construction is a company engaged in the field of construction-related services based in Jakarta and are focused on building in the Greater Jakarta area. Construction RDM special build private house, shop, office, restaurant, and all the buildings are in need of a quality finishing process and functional details.RDM Construction was established in August 2014 as a dedication and loyalty of its founders to continue the principle of honesty in the field of construction long before they work together with several partners who are experts in every field. Both owners and partners in the company are people who are experts and have high competence in the field of construction and finishing of the building.RDM Construction has a big commitment to make all dreams Owner. In every project undertaken, RDM Construction always guaranteed trust and mutual supervision so that the building in accordance with what was planned, and there is no material irregularities in the implementation of the project. And in every work RDM Construction will provide Details Specifications Materials (SDM) that Owner knowing what material is used and know kompoisi aggregate mixture on each work item.RDM Construction has the goal in any implementation of such development with proper Cost, Quality and Time (BMW). And will continue to do so the mechanism requested Owner Owner is not concerned with the implementation of the project and do not doubt the honesty of the execution of the work, such as Owner to provide their own material and RDM Construction provide Expert Services. RDM Construction sincerely hope Owner assign trust to oversee the projects we do.