Executive Director, Deputy Head of Research at Credit Suisse Founder Securities Ltd - Beijing, , CN
Credit Suisse Founder Securities Limited (CSFS) is a Sino-Foreign joint venture securities company established by Founder Securities and Credit Suisse. The company has registered capital of RMB800 million, 66.7 per cent of which is provided by Founder Securities, and 33.3 per cent of which is provided by Credit Suisse. On June 13, 2008, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) approved the establishment of CSFS by Credit Suisse and Founder Securities. CSFS was formally incorporated after obtaining a business permit on October 24, 2008 from the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM). It began to provide investment banking services to clients in the domestic China market upon receiving a business permit from the CSRC on December 29, 2008. CSFS businesses include: (i) Underwriting and sponsoring of shares (including Renminbi ordinary shares and foreign investment shares) and Bonds (including government bonds and corporate bonds); and (ii) Other businesses approved by the CSRC.=========================================瑞信方正证券有限责任公司(英文名称:Credit Suisse Founder Securities Limited,英文简称:CSFS)是由方正证券有限责任公司与瑞士信贷共同出资设立的中外合资证券公司,注册资金八亿元人民币,其中方正证券出资比例为66.7%,瑞士信贷出资比例为33.3%。 2008年6月13日,中国证监会向方正证券有限责任公司下发证监许可[2008]793号《关于批准设立瑞信方正证券有限责任公司的批复》,批准方正证券与瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)共同出资设立瑞信方正证券。公司经商务部批准后,于2008年10月24日取得营业执照正式设立。2008年12月29日,中国证监会颁发了公司的 《经营证券业务许可证》(编号:Z15911000),公司经批准的经营范围包括:股票(包括人民币普通股、外资股)和债券(包括政府债券、公司债券)的承销与保荐;中国证监会批准的其他业务。