FCMD GmbH located in Hattingen, Germany is part of the Groupe CIF, to which also the well-known companies FERRY-CAPITAIN and CMD belongs to. Groupe CIF offers components up to complete drive trains for minerals, mining, cement, steel, energy and infrastructure. FCMD GmbH is your contact in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland for all products and services of Groupe CIF. FCMD also offers machining of large workpieces and girth gears, as well as services like gear box inspection or overhaul. FERRY-CAPITAIN is the leading supplier of grinding mill components to the mining industry for several decades now. With trends to larger mills and a desire for gear driven solutions, the holding Groupe CIF invested heavily to strengthen FERRY-CAPITAIN´s position in the forefront of manufacturing technology for cast and machined components In Hattingen we offer beside the production of large gear rings, large gearbox and other large components up to 160t and contract manufacturing.