Heutink International has locations in Gilroy (CA) USA, Panadura Sri Lanka and Zelhem in Holland as well as subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Ninghbo China.Heutink International provides the very best global educational brands, which are focused on learning through play. Together with our team of educational specialists, we design and develop innovative materials aimed at supporting play and development. These materials are based on internationally proven curricula and learning goals, meaning that products are always high quality and geared towards the needs and wishes of our target audience.Heutink International sells all over the world, represents 5 brands (Nienhuis Montessori, Educo, Jegro, Gonzagarredi and Arts & Crafts) to export in 1 shipment from our warehouses in Europe, USA, Sri Lanka and China.Nienhuis MontessoriDuring the 1920's, our company founder, collaborated withDr. Maria Montessori for the purpose of constructing materials in accordance withher educational philosophy. As a result of this alliance, we are still developing new techniques, improving quality and implementing the newest technology to meet our responsibility as the largest authorizedmanufacturer of Montessori materials. Montessori education will have a significant impacton the children of the world. Nienhuis Montessori will continue to improve the effectivenessof its products in serving the developmental needs of children.EducoEduco introduces young children to language, mathematics and writing in a playful and creative way. Our educational products integrate playing and learning… That is what makes Educo unique!Play, learn, life.JegroChildren like to get inspired! Jegro offers materials which involve active and physical participation.Active learning, experience, passion.Arts & craftsA child's imagination is boundless and should be stimulated.Create, discover, grow.