In a nutshell HINT provides organizations of all sizes with the intellectual capital and skills they need when building or testing their brands, protecting their reputations, maximizing shareholder value and building employee and community trust.How we do it?Signals, trends, ideas, imagination, dreams; all these are beautiful concepts but not actionable unless you have someone to give your customer a hint. We turn signals into reality and take our joint ideas and move them to your customer's eye. We'll make sure your customer gets the hint! "Nice shoes", "I love your bag", "Where did you get those . . ." Every purchase begins with a feeling and ends with a sale. What and when your customer decides to buy depends on anything from the weather to how they woke up that morning. Since we can't control the weather or what you eat for breakfast we have developed a strategy to give your customers a hint when it comes to What and When. With countless mediums of communication let HINT tackle the market and the consumer for you, through a personalized communication strategy specialize in your customer, they will get the hint regardless of what medium we chose to use!