charger d'affaire at Anastasios Stephanides & Son Luxury Goods Ltd - Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Anastasios Stephanides & Son Luxury Goods Ltd is the official exclusive retailer many prestigious luxury watch brands including Rolex and Patek Philippe. The Company has long robust 45-year-old history in the watch and jewelry market and we proudly believe that nobody in Cyprus knows the watch business as consistently and thoroughly as Stephanides Luxury does; a fact which has resulted in the Company being the major market player in its field in Cyprus. Stephanides Luxury enjoys an excellent reputation both locally and internationally as a Company that follows through on its commitments.The trust that our strategic partners have placed in our Company has over the years allowed us to expand into other key regional markets such as Greece, Lebanon, and Romania. Our philosophy and work ethic remains the same throughout each country and our strategic ambitions adhere to rigorous standards and objectives.Our Company's dedication to building and maintaining mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with its international strategic partners is a major pillar of our strong corporate foundation.For the past years, the team has been mastering the luxury experience offered to its clients. The Company's philosophy is to be the avant-gardist in the luxury field where excellence, expertise and reliability meet responsibility and talent. Whether in the showrooms or through initiatives, Stephanides Luxury has strong convictions to maintain social responsibility.