Hiren Patel

Sole Proprietor at JSK Enterprises - Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Hiren Patel's Contact Details
JSK Enterprises
Hiren Patel's Company Details
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JSK Enterprises

Rajkot, Gujarat, India • 0 Employees
Business Supplies & Equipment

A Name to reckon with in the field of project supplies. With a decade long experience, we have the determination & the foresight to offer a wide range of high quality accessories to our clients. We at N-Rack ensure that all products are produced from high quality steel, plastic, zinc & Non-Ferrous metal. We have made an effort to enhance the aesthetics of our accessories, thereby improving the aesthetics of the end product. JSK Enterprises markets a wide range of locks, keys, three point locks, hinges, handles, Industrial Valves, Flanges, FRP products, etc., All our products are confirming to the highest international standards & designs. From time to time we make sure we adapt our products to the changing trends and technology to suit our customers growing needs.

Details about JSK Enterprises
Frequently Asked Questions about Hiren Patel
Hiren Patel currently works for JSK Enterprises.
Hiren Patel's role at JSK Enterprises is Sole Proprietor.
Hiren Patel's email address is ***@jske.in. To view Hiren Patel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hiren Patel works in the Business Supplies & Equipment industry.
Hiren Patel's colleagues at JSK Enterprises are Hiren Desai, Jagjeet Kler, Jury Klymko, Stephanie Sonnenberg and others.
Hiren Patel's phone number is +918866215904
See more information about Hiren Patel