Hiro Boda

Seller Success team lead (APAC) at Discogs - West Haven-Sylvan, OR, US

Hiro Boda's Contact Details
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West Haven-Sylvan, OR, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Discogs is the biggest worldwide music database. Discogs also offers a Marketplace where Buyers and Sellers from all over the world can buy and sell music in all physical formats. Thanks to the accuracy of the database, millions of Internet users use our website to research, buy and sell music, and also to track their music Collection and Wantlist. Discogs is directly supported by a large community of music enthusiasts and collectors.

Music Database Marketplace Community Collection Vinyl Wantlist B2C Musical Instruments Media Entertainment Retail Stores Retail
Details about Discogs
Frequently Asked Questions about Hiro Boda
Hiro Boda currently works for Discogs.
Hiro Boda's role at Discogs is Seller Success team lead (APAC).
Hiro Boda's email address is ***@discogs.com. To view Hiro Boda's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hiro Boda works in the Music industry.
Hiro Boda's colleagues at Discogs are Kyle Shields, Mark Stanford, Max Fawcett, Cory Huff, Marcus Huffman, Rhonda Smallwood, Corey Burmeister and others.
Hiro Boda's phone number is 727-545-4927
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