SKIP is the diminutive of SK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW FIRM.Founded in October 2008, SKIP is an agency mainly engaged in the legal affairs related to intellectual property rights (IPR) in Japan.SKIP is a made-up name, consisting of the initials of ‘Scientific' + ‘Knowledge' + ‘Intellectual Property'.With a team built up of Japanese IP attorneys aged between 30 and 40 with low reputation exposure, SKIP pursues a new management mode and provides an array of services to customers at moderate price.At present, SKIP mainly provides the service as acting applicant for the customers' inventions, utility models, styling and trademarks, etc.Apart from that, SKIP also provides services in relation with the intellectual property rights such as tort identification and intellectual property (IP) related litigation, etc. upon customers' request, thereby to support the customers extensively from the aspect of intellectual property strategy.