Lost item is over.QTrace™ is a modern generation device based on Bluetooth Smart Technology, QTrace™ device is the first device of its kind. While competitors are restricted by connectivity range of 100 feet, QTrace™ range can go far beyond that by using the Bluetooth connection of neighboring iPhones or Android running the QTrace™ app to cast a wider search net.QTrace™ App will discretely and securely identify your important things attached with the device and you can see the updated status on your QTrace™ app. Once enough people are using QTrace™, you all are able to watch your personal QTrace™ move on the QTrace™ app map from anywhere.Connect it, Ring it, Find itConnect, QTrace™ device to the things you care about and use the app to make them ring when you're in range. With a loud melody, they're easy to hear rooms away.Let QTrace™ find your phone.Looking for your phone? Press the QTrace™ key to make your phone ring. Even if it's on silent.See where you last place it.The app remembers where your QTrace™ was last connected. Check the map for the last location.