The experiences we have as young children shape the rest of our lives. The Froebel Trust funds research into children's learning from birth to eight years and supports high quality early education in the UK and around the world.Our charity's work is based on the principles of Friedrich Froebel (1782 - 1852), the inventor of kindergartens and a pioneer of early childhood education and care. Froebel's work and writing changed the way we think about and value early childhood. We believe that Froebel's focus on the importance of play, learning through nature, practical hands-on learning and nurturing a child's connection to their community is more relevant now than ever.What we do:• We are the only grant making trust in the UK which exclusively funds early years practice and early childhood research. • We provide inspiring training courses for anyone who works with young children. • We support parents, carers and families who want to find out more about our approach to early learning, play and creativity.