Holly Floyd

Direct Support Professional at Arc of Onondaga - Syracuse, NY, US

Holly Floyd's Contact Details
Arc of Onondaga
Holly Floyd's Company Details
Arc of Onondaga logo, Arc of Onondaga contact details

Arc of Onondaga

Syracuse, NY, US • 250 - 499 Employees
Social Services

In 1951, a group of concerned parents got together to ensure that their children received the best educational and social services possible. Since then, Arc of Onondaga has been providing quality programs for people with developmental disabilities of all ages. Arc of Onondaga is one of the largest provider of services to people with developmental disabilities in Onondaga County serving thousands of individuals and their families and employing 500 people. With nearly 40 different sites throughout Central New York, Arc provides a wide array of services including residential, day, employment and clinical services and recreation programs. In addition to these supports and services Arc operates two major subsidiaries: Parkside Children's Center, an early intervention preschool and Monarch, a vocational program and outsourcing company with corporate partners throughout the region.A true community-based organization, Arc thrives on community involvement and inclusion, as well as relying on community membership to build its base of support. Its program participants volunteer hundreds of hours in the community each year in support of a wide variety of organizations and causes.

Day Habilitation Horizons Clinic Residential Services Monarch Parkside Children's Center Respite and Recreation Service Coordination Employment Options Parkside Children's Center Social Services Individual and Family Services Individual & Family Services
Details about Arc of Onondaga
Frequently Asked Questions about Holly Floyd
Holly Floyd currently works for Arc of Onondaga.
Holly Floyd's role at Arc of Onondaga is Direct Support Professional.
Holly Floyd's email address is ***@arcon.org. To view Holly Floyd's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Holly Floyd works in the Individual & Family Services industry.
Holly Floyd's colleagues at Arc of Onondaga are Rayisha Hernandez, Tracy Hinds, Nicol Davis, Michelle Gillespie, Alyssa O'Bryan, Daniel Smith, Shelly Janack and others.
Holly Floyd's phone number is 315-476-7441
See more information about Holly Floyd