Program Director, NewGen; Marketing Coordinator, Saunders Brothers Inc. at NewGen®Boxwood - Piney River, VA, US
The mission of NewGen® Boxwood is to be the standard-bearer of a distinctively better family of boxwood. We are here to bring the industry a new generation of plants that have proven themselves through years of observations, trialing, and research. We promise to provide exceptional plants that have better resistance to Boxwood Blight and other boxwood diseases, better resistance to Boxwood Leafminer, and overall stunning appearance. To meet these promises, we have a comprehensive approach, focusing on: • Bio-secure testing methods and standards• Introduction of cultivars which are superior to those already in the industry• Establishment of an international network of premier researchers, testers, licensed propagators and growers• An ongoing search for new and improved genetics • Brand identity and marketing to create product awareness With our first two introductions, NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom®, we begin a new generation of genetics, knowledge, and vision– the revolution of the garden classic.