Alive Radio Network exists to:1) To serve as an ambassador of God on earth, through word and works, that will endeavor to minister to the spiritual growth and enrichment of the Christian community in all it's authentic forms, finding it's basis in the Holy Scriptures and Gospel of Jesus Christ.2) To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to promote the proclamation of the same by word and works to the Greater Capital Region of New York State and to all the world.3) To promote and encourage radio programming to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to strengthen, edify, and enrich all those who know Christ, and to direct the attention of those who don't know Christ to basic Biblical truths.4) To promote Christian services, concerts, and other Christian events as a means of communicating the Gospel message and as a daily enrichment of the local Christian community.5) To network with similarly purposed organizations throughout the Greater Capital Region of New York State and beyond to more effectively advance the purposes set forth in this Mission Statement.