Mineração Horical has a beneficiation and calcination unit whose operation began in 1979, located in Guapiara / SP, with a production capacity (in natura) for 3000 t / day.Policy;The permanent quest to meet the changes and demands of the market are premises pursued by Horical. Studies, plans and surveys are developed by the company in order to better meet the needs of the market and to constantly adapt to changes in legislation, especially in environmental matters.Quality control;Investment in the construction of a quality control laboratory, analyzes obtained by wet and x-ray methods. In addition to the internal control, Horical sends its samples to an external laboratory accredited by MAPA.-Participant in the lime quality program hydrated by the Brazilian Association of lime Producers.Environment;Horical has as its principle and challenge the production with the lowest environmental impact, seeking to contribute to sustainable development, for this, some goals were imposed by the company:-Improvement of the productive process.-It looks for greater efficiency in the use of energy in the ovens.Main productsAgricultural line (SP-81715) and mineral ingredients for animal feed (SP-05014):- Limestone Dolomitic agricultural.- Limestone Calcitic agricultural.-lime agricultural.-Mineral Fertilizer.-Calcitic limestone (calcite) source of calcium for animal feed.-lime Virgin Dolomite source of calcium for animal feed.Industrial line:-Filler of calcitic and dolomitic limestone.-Lime Dolomite Virgin.-Lime Virgin and hydrated.-Calcitic lime Virgin *Construction line;-Cal CH I and CH III..* Industrial testing.Request the technical data sheets of our products.Contact: 55 (15) 99826 3877 or 55 (15) 3542 1686 ext. 3052marcio.cordeiro@horical.com.br