Horsman John

Retired at City of Milford, DE - Milford, DE, US

Horsman John's Contact Details
City of Milford, DE
Horsman John's Company Details
City of Milford, DE logo, City of Milford, DE contact details

City of Milford, DE

Milford, DE, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Welcome to the City of Milford, the heart of Kent and Sussex Counties, in the First State. Milford thrives on entrepreneurial spirit and growth in all aspects of life including commerce, culture, and community. Known throughout the state as River Town, Art Town, Home Town, we celebrate the beauty of our natural resources, the ingenuity of our people, and our commitment to quality of life.As a diverse, culturally-motivated community, our active Downtown emphasizes visual, performing, and culinary arts. Featuring upmarket boutiques, art galleries, and restaurants, Walnut Street in downtown Milford has been named one of the top 10 Great Streets in the United States by the American Planning Association.Providing for a quality way of life, we encourage you to explore our magnificent City parks, including the Tony Silicato Memorial Park that hosts the CanDo Playground, a facility for children of all needs, and BiCentennial Park which features the Mispillion Riverwalk, a series of pedestrian and bicycle paths that allow families to enjoy the views of the beautiful Mispillion River.Whether you are seeking to open a business, raise a family, or retire, the opportunity for prosperity and happiness is waiting in Milford.

Details about City of Milford, DE
Frequently Asked Questions about Horsman John
Horsman John currently works for City of Milford, DE.
Horsman John's role at City of Milford, DE is Retired.
Horsman John's email address is ***@cityofmilford.com. To view Horsman John's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Horsman John works in the Government Administration industry.
Horsman John's colleagues at City of Milford, DE are Steve Rust, Pamela Queen-Perry, Bob Moore, Tiffany Wyatt, Billy Foxwell, Gary Johnston, Denham Dodd and others.
Horsman John's phone number is N/A
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