Based in #Athens, Greece #CoreNetworks Information Technology & Services specializes in progressive and forward-thinking solutions within the public and private sectors. Vertical markets include #Law Firms, #Construction Companies, #Motorways as well as Private Institutions, Insurance, Accounting, Finance, and #Schools to name a few. Service offerings include #Installation and configuration of IP call centers, #Network, Systems & security consulting, #Network, Systems & security implementation, #IOT automations, #Network management, #large scale integrations and #Vpn Solutions as well as #Vpn leasing equipment. Choices in infrastructure include both Private and Public Cloud as well as On Premise deployments. In addition to our technical work the Professional Services team at #Corenetworks provide consulting services on areas like the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation.With Client-focused Culture, CoreNetworks Prepares Your Business For The Future.