We believe that writing enterprise software is one of the most challenging human activities. Dealing with vast amounts of requirements in little time, dealing with changing requirements, and still delivering quality software of which you can be proud is a fabulous challenge.An outstanding enterprise application will have its ROI in term of happy users, few maintenance headaches, and the confidence of its robustness at all levels.To all the people who are engaged in enterprise software development we dedicate our passion and experience.Our products:Portofino is an open source web framework that helps developers create outstanding enterprise applications. It addresses three needs: productivity, richness of features, and architecture.With Portofino you can create a webapp from an existing database in 30 seconds.Teamtap is a solution for project management targeted at research institutions, private companies, universities and public administrations.With Teamtap you can manage funded projects from both the financial and technical aspects. It supports planning, participation to calls for funded projects, approval cycles, operational management and receipts.